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Venue Information

Alhambra Theatre

Venue Information

Kingsgate Box Office (next to Debenhams)
Monday to Saturday from 11.00am until 4.00pm
Tel. 01383 733 666

Online Tickets (and out of office hours); tel 0333 321 9999

Booking Fee

*A booking fee of £2.50 will be applied to all tickets purchased from the Alhambra Theatre Box Office. Booking fees on tickets purchased through other agencies may vary. 

Box office collection accepted: tickets held for collection can be collected from the box office (inside theatre) at the door opening time

Tickets are non refundable, however at certain performances, tickets may be exchanged for a £2.50 charge. Contact box office for details. 

Please bring the credit card used to make the booking and your ticketmaster reference number with you when collecting tickets. 

Please note that Circle row A can be a slightly restricted view. 


Latecomers may not be admitted to the show until a suitable break in the performance. The management reserve the right to refuse entry.

Children Rules

There is generally an age limit of 14+ however this may change depending on the performance. A limited number of “Babies in Arms” tickets are available for some children’s shows. These tickets are available to babies 18 months and under. All children, regardless of age must have a valid ticket.

Accessible Seating

The venue is accessible for wheelchair users. Accessible toilet and wheelchair area is located in the front stalls on ground level. If you or any member of your party has additional support needs, please raise these when booking, and we will endeavour to help you with your booking requirements. If you require a wheelchair space, please inform the box office at the point of booking. Please note wheelchair accessible spaces are limited and must be purchased in advance.

General Rules

No food. No bottles or cans. No alcohol or illegal substances. No Photography or filming is permitted during any performance.

The following are not permitted within the Alhambra Theatre

Your own food and drink

Bottles, cans or glass containers

Any item which may be interpreted as a potential weapon including sharp or pointed objects (e.g. knives)

Illegal substances.

Animals (with the exception of assistance dogs)

Laser pens, fireworks, flares, smoke bombs, Cigarettes and E-Cigarettes

The management of the Venue reserve the right to conduct security searches and confiscate any item which, in the reasonable opinion of the management of the Venue, may cause danger or disruption to other members of the audience or the Event or is one of the items not permitted in the Venue as listed above. 

Ticketing Information

We will not accept responsibility for any tickets purchased through third party websites. You agree not to obtain or attempt to obtain any ticket(s) though unauthorised use of any automated device or any other illegal or unauthorised activity. We reserve the right to cancel any ticket transaction which we reasonably suspect to have been made in breach of these provisions without any notice to you, and any / all ticket(s) purchased as part of such transaction will be void.

Lost or damaged tickets

Lost or damaged tickets purchased either through the Alhambra Box office or from an affiliated ticketing agent will be re-issued at a charge of £2.50 per ticket from the venue box office. All customers requiring ticket reprints must have proof of identification.


The safety and security of our customers and staff is a priority.  With this in mind, we may undertake bag checks and therefore politely recommend that you refrain from bringing large bags, rucksacks and suitcases into the theatre in order to avoid queues and time delays.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Alhambra Groups

Why not make your visit to the theatre more memorable by taking advantage of some of our fantastic group booking discounts?

Some of our biggest shows offer a range of benefits custom made for
group bookers. Please contact our dedicated group booking team for more information.

Generous savings for certain shows, No booking fees (on selected shows), Reserve your tickets and pay later (on selected shows)
Pre-booking and reservation facility available for certain shows.

“The facilities, the staff and the entertainment made this one of our best outings ever, we will definitely be back! Fantastic!” Wendy Boyle,  Abbotsford Care, Newburgh.

Alhambra Seating Plan

Kingsgate Box Office (next to Debenhams)
Monday to Saturday from 11.00am until 4.00pm
Tel. 01383 733 666

Online Tickets (and out of office hours); tel 0333 321 9999

Booking Fee
*A booking fee of £2.50 will be applied to all tickets purchased from the Alhambra Theatre Box Office. Booking fees on tickets purchased through other agencies may vary. 

Box office collection accepted: tickets held for collection can be collected from the box office (inside theatre) at the door opening time

Tickets are non refundable, however at certain performances, tickets may be exchanged for a £2.50 charge. Contact box office for details. 

Please bring the credit card used to make the booking and your ticketmaster reference number with you when collecting tickets. 

Please note that Circle row A can be a slightly restricted view. 


Latecomers may not be admitted to the show until a suitable break in the performance. The management reserve the right to refuse entry.

Children Rules

There is generally an age limit of 14+ however this may change depending on the performance. A limited number of “Babies in Arms” tickets are available for some children’s shows. These tickets are available to babies 18 months and under. All children, regardless of age must have a valid ticket.

Accessible seating

The venue is accessible for wheelchair users. Accessible toilet and wheelchair area is located in the front stalls on ground level. If you or any member of your party has additional support needs, please raise these when booking, and we will endeavour to help you with your booking requirements. If you require a wheelchair space, please inform the box office at the point of booking. Please note wheelchair accessible spaces are limited and must be purchased in advance.

General rules

No food. No bottles or cans. No alcohol or illegal substances. No Photography or filming is permitted during any performance.

Ticketing Information

We will not accept responsibility for any tickets purchased through third party websites. You agree not to obtain or attempt to obtain any ticket(s) though unauthorised use of any automated device or any other illegal or unauthorised activity. We reserve the right to cancel any ticket transaction which we reasonably suspect to have been made in breach of these provisions without any notice to you, and any / all ticket(s) purchased as part of such transaction will be void.

The following are not permitted within the Alhambra Theatre

Your own food and drink

Bottles, cans or glass containers

Any item which may be interpreted as a potential weapon including sharp or pointed objects (e.g. knives)

Illegal substances.

Animals (with the exception of assistance dogs)

Laser pens, fireworks, flares, smoke bombs, Cigarettes and E-Cigarettes

The management of the Venue reserve the right to conduct security searches and confiscate any item which, in the reasonable opinion of the management of the Venue, may cause danger or disruption to other members of the audience or the Event or is one of the items not permitted in the Venue as listed above. 


The safety and security of our customers and staff is a priority.  With this in mind, we may undertake bag checks and therefore politely recommend that you refrain from bringing large bags, rucksacks and suitcases into the theatre in order to avoid queues and time delays.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Lost or damaged tickets

Lost or damaged tickets purchased either through the Alhambra Box office or from an affiliated ticketing agent will be re-issued at a charge of £2.50 per ticket from the venue box office. All customers requiring ticket reprints must have proof of identification.

Alhambra Groups

Why not make your visit to the theatre more memorable by taking advantage of some of our fantastic group booking discounts?

Some of our biggest shows offer a range of benefits custom made for
group bookers. Please contact our dedicated group booking team for more information.

Generous savings for certain shows, No booking fees (on selected shows), Reserve your tickets and pay later (on selected shows)
Pre-booking and reservation facility available for certain shows.

“The facilities, the staff and the entertainment made this one of our best outings ever, we will definitely be back! Fantastic!” Wendy Boyle,  Abbotsford Care, Newburgh.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur bibendum orci mauris, sit amet lobortis libero viverra vel. Duis elementum dolor sed diam interdum, non pretium nibh elementum. Maecenas sit amet elementum nisl. Nunc convallis enim vel porttitor tempor. Nulla risus augue, placerat ut fringilla eget, pulvinar quis tortor. Sed non augue quis libero aliquam tincidunt a at justo. Proin magna orci, tempor a porttitor id, congue nec sapien. In gravida gravida enim, id malesuada est semper a. Sed ac blandit elit. Aenean posuere neque quis imperdiet suscipit. Maecenas quis neque id massa iaculis maximus vitae in nunc. Proin ac odio porttitor magna sagittis ornare.

Aenean accumsan justo sed pretium viverra. Praesent varius elit a malesuada vehicula. Praesent pretium dapibus massa at faucibus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras quis orci congue odio lacinia vehicula. Pellentesque ac venenatis urna. Cras auctor elit maximus feugiat pretium. Ut vitae tincidunt neque. Aenean at libero sed urna vehicula tempor vitae eget dui. Suspendisse tempus rhoncus finibus.

Sed vel nisl libero. Nulla eget tellus sapien. In lobortis pharetra ex quis efficitur. Mauris non rhoncus metus, vel molestie elit. Phasellus sed est erat. Nam mattis vestibulum odio eget eleifend. Maecenas sit amet arcu ac nisi pulvinar aliquam. Donec vitae elementum neque, ac finibus arcu. Sed congue nisi eu neque blandit eleifend id et arcu. Ut tempor orci eget nisl ultricies venenatis. Morbi nec fringilla risus, sed tincidunt lorem. Proin vehicula consequat semper.


Aenean feugiat ullamcorper dui, eu venenatis lacus aliquam id. Ut metus augue, rhoncus vulputate dictum eget, molestie et est. Morbi lectus lacus, aliquet et ipsum non, commodo vehicula dolor. Donec sit amet ante sem. Vivamus neque mi, viverra quis hendrerit nec, fermentum at elit. Sed a odio quis augue sollicitudin porta. Quisque vehicula gravida lectus, in tempor justo iaculis vitae. Donec sagittis sed sapien id imperdiet. Donec quis erat sit amet ante feugiat tempor. Vivamus lobortis ipsum eros, eget suscipit augue fringilla non. Sed nunc odio, porttitor vitae nibh at, pellentesque interdum odio. Cras sed tempus sem, quis posuere nulla. Suspendisse et interdum nibh. Suspendisse erat risus, consequat non scelerisque sed, mattis a augue. Phasellus gravida augue at vestibulum venenatis. Nullam in porttitor leo.

Fusce interdum, purus et dignissim ultrices, turpis mauris eleifend augue, sit amet congue urna enim sit amet urna. Morbi at quam nunc. Phasellus quis urna ultrices, tempus mi ut, vehicula nunc. Proin laoreet mauris ut leo placerat, eu tincidunt magna viverra. Donec hendrerit enim id metus rhoncus ornare. Ut nisl nulla, eleifend vel blandit a, fermentum consequat diam. Nunc dignissim tempor lacus id egestas. Integer facilisis fringilla mi, et sodales lectus laoreet quis.

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